people4project GmbH
Lörenskogstr. 3
85748 Garching b. München

Mo-Fr 9.oo - 17.oo Uhr
+49 (89) 55 29 39 -40



people4project GmbH
Lörenskogstr. 3
85748 Garching b. München

Mo-Fr 9.oo - 17.oo Uhr
+49 (89) 55 29 39 -40

Kontaktdaten anfordern

Freelancerprofil: Z19445

Legal Advisor United Marine Transport/Total Support

IT-Erfahrung seit:
Projektleitung / Organisation / Koordination
Software-Entwicklung / Programmierung
Projekte im Werdegang

11/1996 - Banking know-how
Project Director for Satellite NetCom International/CWC. Was in complete charge of most aspects of projects involving the development and implementation of world wide communications networks. Developed all resources for the implementation of the systems, as well as relationships with selected governments and partner companies Recently developed a electronic banking system for the country of Mongolia. The development involved aspects ranging from equipment selection to establishing a business plan Project Director

02/1995 - 11/1996 Officially established "ZFX", a graphic production company. This "one-man" company is still active

01/1994 - 02/1995 Marketing/Market Research/Advertising
Moved to Berlin to act as the marketing director of a professional audio equipment manufacture (NTL). Left due to non-fulfillment of contract marketing director

01/1991 - 01/1994 Moved to Cairo, Egypt, and established a Production House specialized in video post production, and full product image creation. Being one of the four founders, I was in charge of artistic development and post-production management. The company became known for quality and innovative work. Clients included Sacchi & Sacchi, TMI, and directly: Procter & Gamble

11/1989 - 01/1991 Marketing/Market Research/Advertising
Worked for Tall Tree Systems in Palo Alto, California as the director of marketing/director of product development. My initial task was to develop new business possibilities for the company. I later managed the development and manufacturing of these products. During this time I also managed the cooperative relationships between Tall Tree Systems and companies such as Apple Computer and Sun Microsystems page 2 director of marketing/director of product development

01/1988 - 11/1989 Started a business venture with a friend to develop and market an advanced computer networking solution involving intelligent controllers and distributed processing

11/1986 - 08/1988 Worked as a research associate for Coherent General (a cooperation between Coherent) Laser and General Electric). Was part of a three person group wich was in charge of developing and improving the companies industrial lasers. Developed methods of qualitative analysis for the stability of the systems, and improvements in manufacturing techniques research associate for Coherent General

09/1984 - 06/1987 Physics, Mathematics, Physics, Physics
Attended Menlo College under full scholarship. My majors were Physics and Electrical Engineering, with a minor of Mathematics. Continued my research in Plasma Physics in cooperation with Stanford University. I was a "magnet" student who also acted as a Teaches Assistant/tutor for the students in the same classes. Was partially responsible for the addition of two new courses in physics to be included in the schools offerings student





Datenkomm. / Netzwerk

Design / Entwicklung

SAP / ERP Module

Software / Tools

Standards / Prozesse
Problem Management
Ausbildung & Zertifikate


englisch (++++)



We love Freelancing
& project work

die people4project Recruiting-Spezialisten unterstützen IT Fachbereiche und Unternehmensberatungen mit der Auswahl von geeigneten Freelancer / IT Fachkräften


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people4project GmbH
Lörenskogstr. 3
85748 Garching b. München

Tel: +49 (89) 55 29 39 -40

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wir sind Recruiting-Spezialisten für die temporäre Unterstützung von IT Entwicklungs- und Betriebsthemen, sowie das Managen von Freelancer-Einsätzen bei unseren Kunden.
